Often, people suffering from sex and relationship problems simply aren’t aware of talk therapy’s many benefits. By acknowledging your need for professional help, you’re well on your way to a healthy connected life.
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rigorous standards for academic preparation, supervised training and consultation, field-related
experience and applied skills. Click here to learn more
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American Psychological
Association- www.apa.org

Many thanks to those who shared. Not a word has been changed.
Dr. Bettin created the conditions for us to have some of the most important conversations in our marriage inside and outside of our sessions. We walked away from the experience with a deeper understanding of each other's needs, an appreciation of our strengths as a couple and truly effective tips and tools to improve communication. Katherine created a comfortable, non-clinical environment for sharing personal- and sometimes uncomfortable stories that helped us uncover issues that had never been expressed or articulated before. We have benefited tremendously from her guidance and still use the tools and techniques she shared with us to maintain a healthy sexual relationship.

As I struggled through a very difficult year, Katherine was pivotal in life's navigation. In what felt like a very short time, she helped me make sense of my confusion. She would summarize my thoughts and feelings perfectly, which is something with which I have always had a hard time. Katherine was inviting, kind and genuine. She made me make myself a priority, and allowed me to feel comfortable with the challenging decisions I was making. I am much happier, fulfilled and satisfied, now, with my life, and I thank Katherine for helping bring me there.

We ran through a difficult patch in our relationship and ended up in a situation where we sought counseling to work through some issues. We met with a couple different counselors and ultimately felt most comfortable working with Katherine. We met with Katherine over the course of six months and with her guidance and insight we were able to work through our issues together in a positive way. Ultimately it gave us insight into the problems we had at the time but more importantly helped us strengthen our bond as a couple. We probably wouldn't be together had we not made that difficult first step of calling Katherine. We are grateful for the time that we spent meeting with Katherine and have moved forward in a loving and caring relationship ever since.

I initially went to see Katherine several years ago for help in coping and managing the panic attacks and anxiety that often got in the way of my everyday activities. Simply put today, but a little harder to roll off the tongue at the time. To say that I was reluctant to open up would be an understatement. It was through her support, openness and patience that made for an environment in which I felt safe. Katherine made me feel comfortable and I learned that I did not have to hide in her presence. Together we worked on my anxieties and in doing so I unveiled my own larger issue and quite possibly the main culprit of my anxiety; that of which is my own closeted struggle and identity as a lesbian. Through Katherine’s guidance I have become a more confident and self-accepting person. I am proud of the progress I made and grateful for Katherine’s encouragement!

In 2001 my older brother was killed in a random act of violence on a college campus. The grief and depression I experienced over the next 2 years was indescribable and nearly unsurvivable. I wasn’t living anymore- just barely surviving each day as the emotions of what had occurred kept me traumatized each waking moment. My cognitive abilities were severely limited, I wasn’t able to work and was in fear of losing my family.
In 2003 I started taking classes at Georgia State University and sought help at the counseling center for my deep depression and sense of loss. After my initial interview the center referred me to Katherine Bettin, one of the counselors at the center. Katherine’s training included trauma and grief counseling and the clinical director thought she would provide me with the help I needed to get back to some sort of normalcy in my life. I can’t tell you how important this decision was for me.
For the next two years I met with Katherine regularly to discuss the trauma of my brother’s death, how his death affected me and the dynamics of my entire family, and how I could help myself by learning skills such as self-care, visualization, setting boundaries with family members and learning how to grieve. I will always look back on this time with Katherine as the turning point in my life after my brother’s death. The work that we did together helped me to regain my life and heal my body and mind. Not only was Katherine a professional but she became a safe-haven for me; I knew I could tell her my deepest fears and also knew that she sincerely wanted to help me get better. She was so very human during our sessions- not a stiff professional telling me what to do or which book to read to help me get through the trauma. She cared about me and, because of her guidance and expertise, I was able to get back to caring for myself and my family- and not spend each day engulfed in the pain caused by my brother’s death.
Even though I’m not a highly religious person I’ll always believe that God sent Katherine into my life at that moment in time. The work we did and the relationship we built during those years was a critical time in my life. I will always be grateful to her for helping me find my way through the darkness and enjoy life again.

I went into therapy because I kept problems in my relationships but with different people. My husband, although patient, was tired of my crying about them. My friends were also.
Katherine helped me to see my relationships and past through a different lens. She supported me in facing my fears and helped me to approach those same relationships from new perspectives. I have to say that I think I am a better person because of it and, I know that I am a hundred times happier. It feels so good when you stop beating your head against the wall and feel compassion and joy instead of hurt.
Thanks Katherine

In the 2-3 years that I saw Katherine for counseling, including a lot of individual counseling as well as couple’s counseling, I appreciated two things above all else.
She was of course a professional, knowledgeable in her field.
But the two things I’m talking about made working with her so worthwhile and beneficial. These two things remain the two things that I strongly encourage anyone I know considering the services of a therapist to seek out, and I tell them not to settle for less. I had seen two therapists before, so I knew the difference. In my work as an attorney, I now make these two things major cornerstones of my practice. And that’s not because she came right out and said, “This is how I’m going to do things.” No, it was just how it was. These two things are what I noticed, what I loved, and what I remember most.
These two vital things I am talking about are that Katherine treated me with true caring and an open mind.
What an ally she was! She was accepting. She was encouraging. She was honest. And she was consistent. That all came from her caring and from her having an open mind. She let me be me and express myself in the ways that worked for me. I saw her at a time when I was in great emotional, even physical discomfort, and I grew to know that I could be honest with her. I remember seeing her feel my pain from time to time, or my sadness, and certainly my happiness.
Through her patience and caring, Katherine worked so hard with me to see, acknowledge, understand and sometimes even accept all the things that were bringing me so much emotional pain. Things that were very close to keeping me from the accomplishments I hoped for. Even keeping me from really living life. Things that were there for years, as well as new challenges. These things were causing me to isolate myself and very seriously doubt and discount myself.
She was an invaluable part of my success in completing law school. I am quite comfortable in saying I would not have done so if not for her. I began seeing her right at the beginning. It was an appointment I had been putting off for a year. The original Doctor was no longer there, so Katherine called one day to schedule our first meeting. Another thing I may never have actually done. That call was a turning point, or the start of a years-long turn.
In couple’s therapy, Katherine helped us to see and know all the differences between us, and to see all that we had to offer each other as well. This was six years ago. We have since married, and will celebrate our 5 year anniversary in December.
I know that for both of us, we think of Katherine and all she means to us very often. I remember her words every day, and even the relaxing and safe environment she created within her office. I’ve thought of her as I’ve headed into court, remembering that when I first walked into her office I barely spoke to people I didn’t already know. And countless times I’ve thought about how thankful I am that our paths crossed. For us, she is a member of the family. There simply aren’t the words to express my gratitude.

I have had a couple of therapists in my life but only a few stand out and one of them is Katherine Bettin. I came to her in a state of anxiety and hopelessness, not knowing what to do. I was lucky enough to be placed with Katherine. Through her patience and kind words I was able to graduate from individual sessions to group during my time at GSU and thrive. Despite me wanting to believe that it was Katherine that made me walk out of the door of the counseling center and continue to go on despite the anxiety, she always reminded me that it was me doing the work and I will always thank her for the boost of confidence at a time I felt so lost. I believe anyone would be lucky to have her as a therapist.

After years of suppressed sadness, due to loss, I was directed to Dr. Bettin, who was able to assess and lead me toward recovery. It was an amazing journey for me, and I am so grateful.

I had a good experience talking through my issues with Dr. Bettin. She helped me realize that I am a strong person. Dr. Bettin is a very soothing person to be around. I was able to get past so much that I kept inside by working through talk therapy with her.
All Rights Reserved / Dr. Katherine Bettin / 804.819.9191 / 5606 Promontory Pointe Rd, Midlothian, VA 23112