Often, people suffering from sex and relationship problems simply aren’t aware of talk therapy’s many benefits. By acknowledging your need for professional help, you’re well on your way to a healthy connected life.
Call Katherine
It’s ok to feel nervous or unsure about sex or relationship therapy. Call Dr. Bettin directly on her confidential line 804.819.9191 to have any of your questions answered.

- American Association of Sexual Educators, Counselors, and Therapists – www.aasect.org
- International Society for the Study of Women’s Sexual Health- www.isswsh.org
- Kinsey Institute Sexual Health Information- kinseyconfidential.org
- Centers for Disease Control and Prevention- www.cdc.gov
- Society for Sex Therapy and Research- www.sstarnet.org
- American Physical Therapy Association- www.womenshealthapta.org (to find pelvic floor specialist)
Websites - Education and Products
- Dodsonandross.com- feminist sexual advocacy and information from the queen of orgasm
- Drnorthrup.com- women’s health and inspiration
- Goodcleanlove.com- organic lubes, oils, and lots of great support for the power of love
- Goofyfootpress.com- light-hearted but accurate information on everything sexual
- Healthysex.com- including info on healing from sexual abuse and porn compulsion
- Maitydance.com- intimacy and connection through dance- please see Blog for full description:)
- Malesurvivor.org- for males survivors of sexual abuse
- Reclaimyoursexuality.com- by Dr. Madeline Castellanos
- Sexed.org- has a political twist
- Sexuality.about.com- disability info included
- Sexualityresources.com- women-owned boutique and education center
- Sexsmartfilms.com- films for educational purposes- some free
- Straightguise.com- differences between sexual identity, behavior and fantasy
All Rights Reserved / Dr. Katherine Bettin / 804.819.9191 / 5606 Promontory Pointe Rd, Midlothian, VA 23112