Confidentiality and privacy are built into any therapist’s code, but there are certain bonds of security and trust that Dr. Bettin works hard to establish with each of her clients. Here, she describes how you’ll work as a team to create a comfortable environment.
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Wanting More Sexual Desire:
This is one of the most common complaints in a Sex Therapist’s office since low sex drive can be very difficult for both partners. It's natural to feel frustrated or sad when you don’t feel as interested or aroused as you want — or as you used to feel. At the same time, low sex drive may be interpreted as rejection by your partner, which can lead to conflicts and misunderstandings, further complicating the situation. When a relationship pattern of rejection and frustration about sex begins, then other forms of intimacy typically decrease. This is the time to talk about what is going on and figure out how to make some changes, while being respectful of each other’s needs and desires. A conversation with your doctor/healthcare professional is important to discover any physiological reasons. Hormones, health issues, pregnancy, childbirth, alcohol, lack of sleep, lack of exercise, medication, and sexual dysfunctions can all contribute to a low sex drive. Also, emotional reasons for a low sex drive may include anxiety, depression, abuse history, poor body image, your upbringing, and the state of your relationship with your partner- just to name a few! A Sex Therapist can help to facilitate a conversation that is typically difficult for most couples- especially if there have already been some hurts. Even if you began as a couple with unmatched libidos, or there are physiological reasons for your low sexual desire, there are solutions when there is a desire for change. Collaboratively we can explore the blocks to sexuality and intimacy and discover new approaches to bring back these pleasures and comforts.
Posted on Thu, September 29, 2011 by Dr. Katherine Bettin
All Rights Reserved / Dr. Katherine Bettin / 804.819.9191 / 5606 Promontory Pointe Rd, Midlothian, VA 23112